Project has been recognized as a best practice for strengthening livelihoods within fragile contexts.
The project was recently featured in a publication by ACT Alliance EU, EU-Cord, Islamic Relief, and Caritas Europa entitled “Maintaining engagement in fragile contexts through partnership with local faith-based organizations.”
One of our projects in North Shoa, Deberberhan, “Leveraging Faith and Strengthening Civil Society," has been recognized as a best practice for strengthening livelihoods within fragile contexts. The project was recently featured in a publication by ACT Alliance EU, EU-Cord, Islamic Relief, and Caritas Europa entitled “Maintaining engagement in fragile contexts through partnership with local faith-based organizations.”
The report emphasizes the growing importance of partnerships with local faith-based organizations (FBOs), detailing how these partnerships can facilitate a holistic and integrated approach that aligns humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding efforts—the “triple nexus” approach.
For communities facing ongoing crises, the necessity of cohesive strategies becomes critical. In this regard, EOTC DICAC combines humanitarian relief, sustainable development, and peacebuilding efforts into a singular framework, collaborating with the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA). With the local context in mind, the project has fostered resilience by empowering community members through various programs.
Mela’eke Selam Lealem, a dedicated priest deeply invested in the well-being of his community, resides In the Awi Zone, Banja Woreda, Bassa Kebele.