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Policy Insight

Research findings on the the Ethiopian National Adaptation Plan (ETH-NAP)

On December 5, 2024, EOTC DICAC hosted a conference at the Capital Hotel in Addis Ababa, focusing on the outcomes of the assessment regarding the implementation of the Ethiopian National Adaptation Plan (ETH-NAP).
In his opening speech, Mr. Yilikal Shiferaw, the EOTC-DICAC Commissioner, emphasized, "This conference presents an opportunity to enhance the collective efforts of stakeholders in promoting the ETH-NAP and would help strengthen efforts in the mitigation & adaptation of climate change."
Currently, EOTC DICAC launched the Ethiopian National Adaptation Plan Advocacy Project, funded by Dan Church Aid (DCA), which aims to improve resilience to climate change impacts by raising stakeholder awareness and advocating the ETH-NAP One of the project activities was to conduct an assessment on ETH-NAP implementation and share the findings with relevant stakeholders.
A summary of the assessment research findings on the ETH-NAP was conducted by ImpactAcross Consultancy Firm, and the findings were presented to around eight participants who have come from government bodies such as the Ministry of Planning and Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ethiopian Forest Development, and various civil society organizations (INGOs & local NGOs) engaged in development and climate change mitigation and adaptation interventions. They shared insightful contributions regarding the practical implementation of the policy and provided valuable comments for future improvement.
One of the key points raised during the conference was the necessity of boosting collaboration between government entities and civil society organizations, mainstreaming the national adaptation policy within the existing programs, and ensuring sufficient budget allocation at the national level to effectively implement the NAP.
EOC-DICAC published and distributed a booklet on policy insight of Ethiopia’s NAP.
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